Proficient Reading:
Distinguished Reading:
Proficient Math:
Distinguished Math:
Squires Elementary has made great progress toward implementing standards-based education system through initiatives like Gifted and Talented services, English Learners services, Art, Vocal Music, Physical Education, Language Arts, Math, Computer and Technology, Special Education programs, Speech Therapy, Band, Orchestra, Conflict Resolution Training for Students, Guidance Services, and Extended School Services.
The majority of the students live within walking distance of Squires, making it possible for us to sponsor several after-school programs such as Healthy Hearts, Jump Rope Club, Intramurals, Art Club, Chess Club, STLP, Squires Singers, Brownie Troops, Girl Scouts, and ESS (Extended School Services). Students also serve as school pride helpers, flag raisers, P.E. helpers, conflict resolution managers, and school patrols.
Our mission is to create a collaborative community that ensures all students achieve at high levels and are prepared to excel in a global society.
How to be a Squires STAR:
(S)how your best effort
(T)hink before acting
(A)ccept responsibility
(R)espect yourself and others