Proficient Reading:
Distinguished Reading:
Proficient Math:
Distinguished Math:
Fayette County Public Schools aims to use non-traditional instruction (NTI) in place of school closings for severe winter weather. When severe weather is forecast, the district will notify all staff and families via email, phone call, text message, and social media whether an NTI day, delay, or school closure will be used.
Chromebooks will be sent home with students daily. For NTI days, please be on the lookout for additional instructions from your child's teacher(s), however, a few things will be consistent:
Your child’s teacher(s) will have office hours of 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. They can be reached via ClassDojo and email.
Assignments will be posted in Google Classroom and will include programs in which they are familiar including IXL.
No new material will be presented.
Students have three days to turn in assignments after we have returned to school.
Participation is recorded in IC once assignments have been completed.
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